We specialize in the treatment of pests for all hotels, guest houses, lodges and bed & breakfast properties.We treat from the guest room to the kitchen, the laundry room to everywhere and in between.
We’ll protect your hotel & accommodations reputation by getting rid of pests quickly and discreetly. They bug you – We bug them!We will keep unwanted guests out so that your paying guests can rest easy.
Without a comprehensive Pest Control Management Plan you run the risk of losing customers, costly fines and disruption to your day to day operations.

Bed bugs are hitch hikers. They can climb on you or your clothing anywhere. From restaurants, taxis, buses, movie houses, schools, planes, hotels and even guest houses.
Bed bugs are not just found in beds and mattresses. They only spend 40% of their time in the bed, the rest of the time they can be found in:
- Bed frames and headboard crevices
- Mattress seams,
- Carpets and underlay
- Skirting Boards,
- Between wooden floor boards
- In cracked or broken plaster, behind wall paper
- Inside electrical sockets and fittings
- Drawers and cupboard
- Bedside tables.
- Couches
Bed bugs are one of the most difficult pests to get rid of
That is why it’s wise to use a reputable pest control company like Terminators to ensure they are completely eradicated.
Signs of bed bug infestation:
- Dark / black stains – on mattress and surrounding areas from bed bug excreta
- Sweet scent – an unpleasant, sweet, sticky scent
- Small dark spots – small dark spots on bedding known as “faucal pellets”
- Live insects – despite being small (Adult are only 4 – 5 mm long) it’s possible to spot bed bugs and shed skins
- Blood spots – on the sheets or mattress
All the products we use are safe for people, children and animals and no-one needs to be out of the home.
How can we help you?
We are the only company in Saudi Arabia that offers a proper bed bug treatment program and staff training regarding bed bug inspections
- If you have and implement a proper bed bug treatment and management program you will not have to compensate or pay out clients for bed bug complaints.
- You will catch a bed bug infestation before it starts and you will be able to eradicate it before you lose any money.
- You will be able to pin point the origins of the bed bugs.
- Staff or clients bringing it in to your facility.
- You will not have to shut down multiple rooms or floors due to an outbreak of bed bugs.
- Your staff will be trained in proper inspection for bed bugs and what they must do if any are found to prevent the spread of bed bugs.
- We will train your staff and supply you with proper inspection forms and a bed bug training program.