Eco Pest Control Combining innovative practices and treatment methods to reduce the use of pesticides without losing its effectiveness.

Our Green / Eco Pest control program guarantees protection from pest utilizing environmentally considerated methods, reducing your footprint and effectively protects your business from pests.

How do we do this?
Preventing pest from entering your business – rather than simply doing reactive treatment to pest infestation.
We will do proactive inspections and the elimination of conducive breeding / feeding conditions
Replace synthetic chemical treatments with natural substances like plant essential oils, and alternate methods like trapping.
Our integrated Pest Management Sysytem (IPM) will include:
Staff education – how to maintain a non-conducive environment for pest instead of relying on chemical treatments
How does this work?
Performing Proactive inspections and advice client how to eliminate pest – conductive conditions
Utilizing low impact products and methods, like target insect baiting
Applying insect growth regulators for long term control
Use natural substances, like plant essential oils, and alternate methods like trapping.
We also train your staff to help ensure that pests cannot enter the building.

With our Integrated Pest Management and hygiene program we deliver a comprehensive pest and hygiene program for any pest that might become a problem.

Our IPM program consists of:
Inspections of facility interior and exterior.
Identification of pests and analysis of activity.
Treatment of affected areas and implementation of methods for controlling pests.
Recommendations for limiting and preventing pest activity.
Continuous evaluation of treatment effectiveness and any necessary modifications.
Education, upon request, of the facility’s staff, addressing actions and conditions that affect pest activity.

how can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

I am writing to thank you for the quality of service provided by your company. We sincerely appreciate your efficient, gracious customer service, the level of detail and accountability you have demonstrated on each project, and the way you conduct business as a whole.
We have, and will continue to, recommend your services to other companies and contacts. Our team could not be more satisfied with your work, and we look forward to continuing this relationship

Tarek Antoine A.A.
Group General Manager, ABA International / Angelina-Paris